Double Your Sales Discovery Session
An audit of your lead gen game can pinpoint where to level up, unlocking that "found money." Bet on it! In fact, I'm so sure there's gold in them hills, I cooked up the "Double Your Sales Discovery Session" to guide you in unearthing hidden revenue lounging around in your biz. Watch those $1 bills transform into $5, $10, $20, $50, or even Benjamin Franklins in just 30 days. Guaranteed!
During our DYS Discovery session, we'll dig deep into all your revenue-generating business practices. This enlightening and fun session will uncover missed opportunities and set out a plan to turn $1,000 into $10,000 in the next 30 days.
We'll also spot all the opportunities you haven't tapped into yet and craft a personalized roadmap from point A to point B on how you can double your sales in the next 90 days!
We're super confident the DYS will reveal enough revenue to cover the Perpetual Sales System costs - we guarantee it!
Here's a sneak peek of what to expect during the audit and the specific steps we'll take to uncover your goldmine of opportunities.
Discover Where the money's hiding
create content that converts like offering free beer at an insurance convention
what other businesses can you hitch a ride on to reach your customers?
what will it take to level up?
Pick your niche
Give them what they want
Make it hard to say no
Show them their journey
Make it easy to see
Overcome what's stopping them
Stack your offers until they say YES
Give them what they need
Make it so they can visualize their outcome
Let’s work together.